See you at Concordia University on April 5, 2025.
The Minnesota State Bible Bowl is
actually two competitions in one!
This is a fast-paced, double-elimination contest that progresses throughout the day. Teams consist of three players, four players, or four players with an alternate. You may bring as many four-player teams as you like. See Contest Rules for compete details.
Shortly before lunch, players take a break from the team competition to gather in the auditorium for the Individual Competition. This is a 50-question, multiple choice test.
Sample questions from past Bible Bowl competitions.
Obviously your students will learn scripture. However, you will be amazed at how much they will learn and how long they will retain it!
There is no better way to become close than by studying scripture together. Your team may become best friends! Celebrate that on the day of the competition. Design matching
t-shirts or wear crazy hats. Celebrate your achievement with ice cream afterward.
This is a great opportunity for your students to become familiar with one of our Concordias. Maybe there's a future Lutheran pastor or teacher on your team!
Frequently the Bible Bowl book is chosen to coordinate with the lectionary. Kids pay closer attention during the Sunday morning worship service because they are so familiar with the reading.
If you have additional questions about Bible Bowl and how to form a team with your church, school, or family, please contact us! We would love to hear from you!
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