See you at Concordia University on April 5, 2025.



The Minnesota State Bible Bowl is
actually two competitions in one! 


This is a fast-paced, double-elimination contest that progresses throughout the day. Teams consist of three players, four players, or four players with an alternate. You may bring as many four-player teams as you like. See Contest Rules for compete details.


Shortly before lunch, players take a break from the team competition to gather in the auditorium for the Individual Competition. This is a 50-question, multiple choice test.

Sample questions from past Bible Bowl competitions. 

  • WHO IS ELIGIBLE? - This event is for students in grades 7-12 who attend an LCMS congregation or LCMS school in either the Minnesota North or Minnesota South Districts.
  • WHERE IS THE COMPETITION HELD? - Concordia University, St. Paul, hosts the competition each year. They also graciously provide lunch to the contestants, coaches, families, and fans! See the day's complete Schedule
  • WHAT IS THE COST TO PARTICIPATE? - Registration is $40 per team and worth every penny! See our Registration page for details.
  • WHEN IS THE COMPETITION HELD? - Bible Bowl 2025 will held on April 4, 2025.   
  • WHAT DO WE STUDY? - This year's competition will cover the life of King David as recorded in I Samuel 16 through I Kings 2. Be sure you use the  English Standard Version (ESV) to study.

Bible Bowl: Benefits You Wouldn't Anticipate

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17

Aquire Bible Knowledge

Obviously your students will learn scripture. However, you will be amazed at how much they will learn and how long they will retain it!

Teams Become Friends

There is no better way to become close than by studying scripture together. Your team may become best friends! Celebrate that on the day of the competition. Design matching
t-shirts or wear crazy hats. Celebrate your achievement with ice cream afterward.


Create Interest in Our Synodical Schools

This is a great opportunity for your students to become familiar with one of our Concordias. Maybe there's a future Lutheran pastor or teacher on your team!

Enhanced Worship Services

Frequently the Bible Bowl book is chosen to coordinate with the lectionary. Kids pay closer attention during the Sunday morning worship service because they are so familiar with the reading.

Additional Questions About
the Minnesota State Bible Bowl...

  1. WHERE DO I BEGIN? - There are a lot of versions of the Bible out there. Bible Bowl uses the English Standard Version (ESV) for consistency between teams.
  2. MY PASTOR DOESN'T HAVE TIME TO LEAD THIS. - Anyone who is a member of an LCMS church or LCMS school can organize and coach a team. Frequently the winning teams are coached by parents or teachers. Pastors can promote this event and encourage their church's teams without the time commitment of leading weekly practices. 
  3. MY TEAM IS SO YOUNG.  WILL THEY BE ABLE TO COMPETE WITH HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS? - Age is not an indicator of success at Bible Bowl. Every year the winning youth are a variety of ages. 
  4. MY KIDS HAVE A HARD TIME MEMORIZING SCRIPTURE. - Everyone has a different learning style. If the details don't "stick" when your student reads them, check out some of the awesome online resources that are available. and both have audible Bibles. These are great for studying on the go too! Make sure you choose an ESV recording.  

 And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.    Deuteronomy 6:6-7


If you have additional questions about Bible Bowl and how to form a team with your church, school, or family, please contact us! We would love to hear from you!

Minnesota North 
Rev. Steve Breitbarth 
3535 7th Avenue East
Hibbing, MN 55746
(218) 929-1110

Minnesota North District

Minnesota South
Rev. Rudy Maurer  
PO Box 113
New Richland, MN 56072 
(507) 278-3169

Minnesota South District


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